The 3rd annual cardboard boat races will be held at Boulder Lodge on Ghost Lake, Saturday, July 6th as part of a fundraiser to help the North Woods Humane Society. The race starts at 2pm but you will want to come earlier to preview the boats, buy a Brat or Hot Dog and a beverage (all proceeds go to the Humane Society) and scope out a good viewing location. You are welcome to bring a lawn chair with you.

If you are interested in being a Cardboard Boat Race participant- please call and register in advance 715-462-3002. Deadline to register is June 22nd. There is a $15.00 entry fee per boat.
Boat building Rules:
You can use three items and only 3 items to build your boat- Cardboard, Duct tape and latex paint.
2 person teams
Must wear a PFD (personal floatation device)
Can use paddles

Those of you coming to watch: No charge (free will donations appreciated)
Mark your calendar- July 6th, 2019